Server Admin Humour.
« Proper use of Sys Admins Time - An amusing tongue in cheak guide to users on the proper use of their admins time. -
« The Bastard Operator from Hell - Every single BOFH episode produced, from the very beginning right up to the present day. -
« Tech Tales - This has to be the best tech support stories collection I've come across. It's massive, I've spend hours reading through, and I think I've barely scratched the surface, well worth the time though. - hair_cl.gif (5954 bytes)
Sysadmin Price list - Ever considered working out just what your time is really worth? All those little jobs and favours. All those annoying users who don't have a clue. Well next time you might want to use this, it'd certainly make them considering using their brain before picking up the phone, and might boost your income! :-) -
Why you can't find your Sys Admin - Where to look when things seem to have gotten too much -
A Week in the life of a Sys Admin - Similar idea to the BOFH, but not as well put together and without the same feel of story behind it. -
101 things you do not want your Sys admin to say - Anyone who can say that they have never done any of these with a straight face is a good liar, a nicely thought out piece which hits home well. -
Admin Spotting - A reworking of the Train Spotting (choose life) poster. -
Satanic Sysadmins - I really do wonder where some people get their ideas from, but this a bit of a laugh, if a little strange at times. -

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