Computing Humour.
Web Economy Bullshit Detector - On those long caffeine fueled nights, it can sometimes be difficult to think of new and highly technical phrases to throw at the the poor users, so here's something which will do it all for you! -
Gullibility Virus - Apparently this is a major threat, and everyone should unplug their PC's, lock them in a box and ship them off to a remote island in the Atlantic, only then will we be safe from our machines gaining intelligence, and beating us all to death with our own joysticks in a orgy of blood and grissle. -
How to write unmaintainable code - Writing easyly readable, maintainable code is a skill, one which some people can spend ages learning and mastering, but is it always such a good thing. Maintainable code means that someone else can come along and change your code once you have left the company, and that of course means that there is nothing stopping your employer replacing you. To keep yourself in your job, and force your employer to keep you on, you need to master the art of writing code so unreadable, so difficult to alter that the company has a choice to either keep you on and pay you what you ask for, or completly re-write your code, here is the guide to help -
Omri's Computer Humour Page - Huge collection of computer poems, songs and stories relating to everything computer related. Obviously it has a lot of the old favourites, plus a number of new ones I haven't come across before. -
The Error of the Week site - Not very big, and doesn't seem to have been updated since December '98, but still has a few amusing error messages in the archive. -
Toxis Custard Computing Dictionary - The alternate, if not slightly funnier version of so many computer terminology dictionarys out there. To quote from the site :

"RAM - What you do when the plug won't quite fit in the socket" -

Wibble UK - Don't know quite how to describe this one. They've got a humour mailing list with an archive of past mailings, which seem to contain a lot of original material, mp3's, wav's and transcripts of funny help desk calls and various other bits and bobs. Worth checking out if for no other reason than the fact that called it 'Wibble' but then maybe it's just me that appreciates that! -