Earn money by ... Writing How
often have you started off just looking at a few web sites, and ended up writing a review
or an opinion of a product or service. Have you ever considered that what you are doing
for free is giving revenue to someone else? Have you ever wished you could get paid on an
as and when basis for writing about things which are of interest to you? Well here is your
So far this is the only site I have managed to find which provides this
service, but as and when I find more I will add them to the site.
Ciao has a wide range of subjects, from
computers to finance, from house and gardens to sport and from travel to beauty
treatments. Basically it has everything which you could possibly want to read or write a
review on. You get £1 for registering, 30p for
every review which you write and that is accepted and 5p for every time that another
member reads your opinion. You can also get a percentage of a referers money, but the
amount depends on the method with which they were referred. |